We have published some of the most Frequently Asked Questions.
1. How many people can the vessel carry?
Our boats are licensed for 12 paying passengers plus two crew, but, unless cost is a major factor, we recommend you bring fewer – 10 or less. You are however paying for the cost of the boat, not per passenger.
2. What about individuals and small parties?
We accommodate individuals and small parties and there is no minimum charge
3. What is the cost of a Charter?
Please refer to our Boat Hire section of the website.
4. What tackle should I bring?
We have a small tackle outlet on the pier which would stock all the main items.You need to bring a good collection of swivels, booms, lures (especially Jelly worms or equivalent), feathers and weights .etc.
You are likely to need a 30lb class outfit or bigger for Conger Fishing. Leads of 8oz-16oz should be available, nylon for traces in the range 20 – 300lb, fine-wire hooks between sizes 4 & 2/0, & medium-wire hooks from 2/0 to 6/0.
The above will cover you for most of our fishing, but there are specialised applications you should consider listed below.Please see the Press articles in the news section of the site under the Featured articles section for good advice and fishing tips.
Rods should be of the 20lb to 50lb class with reels of a sturdy nature. i.e. Penn 4/0 or equivalent loaded with matching
breaking strain line. Cod feathers of muppets are a must, with 8/0 hooks and minimum of an 8/0 treble with a red muppet attached.
Pirks that work best are long and thin rather than short and fat. The ideal length is about 8″ to 9″ in length and the ends cut at 45 degree angles with one inch split rings. Smaller split rings tend to twist and break off when fighting larger fish.
We also find that fighting fish with a bright red muppet on the treble hooks enhances cod catches.
Rods of 20 to 30lb class together with small multipliers such as Abu, Penn or Shimano.
Slow line retrieve speed is essential when gilling and with practice excellent results can be achieved. For Coalfish however it is a very fast retrive.The main line is affixed to a boom in “flying collar rig” fashion with a small snap swivel to take the trace. Plastic 10″ UNI-BOOMS are ideal but there are many different makes available. Trace line strength should be between 15lb to 26lbs and be no shorter than eight feet in length.
Jellyworms are an excellent alternative to Redgills or Eddystone Eels and much cheaper to purchase. Please ensure the tails of your artificial eels are not bent in your tackle box or the eel will not “swim” correctly. All artificial lures should be kept apart in colour coded compartments to stop “bleeding” on other colours. Red is usually the culprit colour to cause this phenomenon. The colours that seem to work best are Black with Red or Yellow Tails. Red, Orange, Blue/White and Green.
Weights should be between from 6oz to 16oz and will be changed as tidal or wind conditions change.
A 50lb class rod is a must to handle giant conger especially in the hands of a novice, as even these can be broken if not handled correctly. Matching breaking strain line is essential and should be no stronger than 50lb breaking strain or else we are unable to break it out of the bottom should you become stuck. A 4/0 Penn reel is sufficent. Booms should be of the Zip slider type which are simple but effective, .
Traces should be NYLON as these tend not to kink. We advise 300lb as this tends not to get bitten through. Traces of this quality can be purchased onboard.
You will also require an assortment of leads from 8oz to 16ozs.
5. Is bait provided?
Mackerel can be caught on the way to the fishing area a small distance from the pier,we always have a back up plan in the event that the mackerel are scarce but this is a rarity. Squid or cuttlefish are excellent alternatives for bottom fishing if you can afford to acquire them. Some bait in frozen form is available from local tackle shops.
6. What fish will we catch and what happens to the fish we catch?
The catch is yours to do with what you will, but you should bear in mind that we are a sportfishing operation. We discourage large-scale fish kills in an attempt to cover the cost of a trip. Of course depending on tidal situations we target different species. All shark,Ray and Skate are tagged and releasedWhere practical we prefer a ‘catch & release’ approach for inedible species & for table fish in excess of those required for personal consumption, unless of course the skipper feels that they dead due to decompression.
7. What about conservation ?We take advice from the Cental Fisheries Board and play an active part in their tagging programme.
8. Where is your boat berthed and what about car parking?
Directions & maps can be found on our ‘LOCATION’ page.
Our vessel is now moored at Courtmacsherry Pier, Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Please go to our location page for directions.
PLEASE NOTE: Car parking at the Pier is FREE and there is plenty of room for all. Please call me on my mobile to access the vessel on the marina.
9. Do you require a deposit?
In order to have your booking confirmed you will need to send us €100 deposit or the total cost of the charter. Any balance is due on completion of the charter. Circumstances under which the deposit is returnable are explained in our conditions of hire, a copy of which can be found in our ‘Terms & Costs’ page.
10. What if the charter is cancelled?
It depends on who cancels and when. The full story is told in our conditions of hire, a copy of which can be found in our ‘Cost & Terms’ page, but in short, if we cancel there is no charge. If you cancel late however, the CHARTER FEE is payable in FULL. If one of the party drops out, it makes no difference to overall CHARTER COST, you are paying for the boat, not the number in the party. Please remember we operating a business.
11. What about the weather?
It is essential that you call us on the evening before the trip & we will try to make a decision then. If you are not travelling too far, we may delay that decision until the morning of the trip. Please remember that even with today’s technology trips are sometimes cancelled when in hindsight they should not have been. Also some times we advise anglers that the weather will be OK, when in fact we find the following morning that the conditions are not as forecasted.
For charters of longer than one day, you must travel regardless of the weather. When you arrive and are settled, we can meet and discuss prospects for your charter. If you lose one or more days due to the weather, there are plenty of things to do. We may even be able to fish inshore.
12. What about safety at sea?
Your safety whilst on our vessel is of paramount importance to us.
When you sail with us, you will be given a brief lecture and shown the location of such things as all safety gear. The idea is that, in the highly unlikely event of an emergency, everyone on board knows what to do.
13. Are you licensed and insured?
The Lady Patricia and Lady Louise are licensed and insured and are skippered by licensed boatmen. The vessel and occupants are insured for charter operations. A copy of our License can be viewed on board .
14. How do I book?
Reservations/ Contact
Mark &Trish Gannon,
Woodpoint House,
West Cork.
Tel/Fax: (+353)2388 46427
Mobile: +353876381003 ,mobile +353868250905
E-mail: [email protected]